11 Things I’ve Learned About Financial Loss

I’ve been exploring entitlement, and how important it is to stay humble and so in the spirit of this, I wanted to share one of my most important (and humbling) lessons of being an entrepreneur:

➔ Not every year will be a financial success.
➔ Not every year will give you profit.
➔ There’s a natural ebb and flow to it…and that’s just how it is…

This was a very hard lesson for me, I had high expectations of myself, and I didn’t want to ever admit that I could be in loss as a business…

What I learned was this:

1. At first, it’s embarrassing especially to your ego who wants to be riding high all the time but it happens to every single entrepreneur and we have to learn to face it, with gratitude…we can all experience financial loss…

2. Money is energy, and if you’re experiencing loss, it’s likely because you’re losing energy somewhere in the business, there’s something not quite working…

3. As entrepreneurs, we go through changes in direction a lot, new ideas, new launches, all which require investment and sometimes quite bigger investments, this can cause a loss…

4. Financial loss often happens when you’re out of alignment with your higher purpose and are doing things just to have money in the bank…and this is one I know v well!

5. Being in financial loss doesn’t mean there isn’t money in the bank, it means that the business is not making profit, which is good to know…

6. Your own alignment is more important than anything else, figuring this out is key to your own growth and the financial growth…I talk about this a lot these days…

7. Prioritising your own energy flow is crucial, focus on taking naps, resting often and recharging…this was something I really had to learn about and commit too…

8. It’s a good idea to do an energy audit, which activities are making you tired and drained? Can you outsource anything which doesn’t give away your power?

9. It helps when you’re spiritually aware and are able to practice the art of surrendering to the natural glow and order of things…you realise that things have a season to them…sometimes it’s about retreating inwards, sometimes it’s about taking lots of action…this is one of the trickiest things to learn if you’re a naturally high achiever!

10. Being in financial lost doesn’t mean you don’t have money in investments, it’s the monthly cash flow which isn’t in profit…remember this…you haven’t gone financially bust!

11. Whatever you’ve lost, you can always get it back very fast, just focus on recharging your energy and the inspiration will come…this is absolutely, 100% true.

You can always make back what you’ve lost…you’ve never really lost anything…only for a short while…

Remember that it’s good to experience loss, it’s good to experience a little stagnation, because it shows you where to focus your energy next…

Sending you ALL my love always…

Jody xx