Things are shifting…

I just spent 5 glorious days off work, where I lounged around, slept 10 hours a night, hung out with my man and generally chilled out…

Those 5 days off have given me back my focus, and reminded me to be more efficient with my time, because I remembered what I actually loved doing… And I also reflected on the MOST important thing (which took me years to figure out):

Growing your business doesn’t have to be HARD, or stressful or draining…

Here are #11 ways to make it easier:

  1. get clear on 1-2 things you want to work on this year
  2. get to know the simplest business model for you (it can change later on)
  3. write a plan for the next 90 days to make progress AND include regular rest time / time off
  4. divide your week into certain days doing certain things e.g. seeing clients Tuesdays & Wednesdays, new business & community building Monday, Thursday content filming & planning, Friday afternoon off….etc
  5. make sure you book lunch off, get outside, have a walk
  6. keep at least 4 months worth of expenses in the bank so you can take a week off when needed (6 months ideally)
  7. get an accountability buddy – someone to hold you accountable & check in once a week (in all my courses we pair people up to make sure they make progress)
  8. get a business mentor – best thing I ever did, my energy increased, I began to enjoy work again, everything felt more fun and my went up too…
  9. cut down your caffeine- try reducing it by half
  10. switch off at 6pm each night (or earlier if you can)
  11. make meditation part of your strategy

And finally, it ALWAYS (always) helps to have a kick-start…

good energy
a guiding light
a helping hand

Someone by your side to get you in the zone and help you make MORE progress in just 4 days than you’ve made in the past 4 months!!

Stop wasting time on the things you don’t need to be doing right now…Join my free training instead and get super, super, super inspired (I promise you )Next Monday 12th April we kick off. ..