Last year, in early December, I had a feeling I needed to run a new programme, and get this…before the end of the year!!
My intuition was telling me: “you need to do this”
My mind was telling me: “no you don’t!”
So who did I listen to?
Obviously my intuition, oh and all the while, my ego-mind’s chipping in…
What are you doing Jody, it’s not the right time, everyone’s tired, no-one is going to sign up…bla bla bla!
And I somehow knew that if my mind was having that much of a reaction, then I had to run the programme!
When your ego-mind freaks out – there’s definitely something you need to explore…
And so while myself and my team scrambled about getting it all ready, I surrendered to the process…I knew that the programme would be healing me, teaching me, and showing me…
You see, we have a great habit of believing that we know what’s best…that we’re in control…and guess what?
We’re absolutely NOT!! We know nothing!!
I promise it’s true And nothing to be afraid of, we don’t actually need to know everything…
And the moment you let go of trying to control everything is the moment you set yourself free!!!
So my word for 2021 is INTUITION and my promise to myself is to allow my intuition to guide me, every day and in every way.
How about you?