While you’re busy waiting for a “sign” or the next step to make itself known to you, your visions are also waiting…becoming stuck, stagnant, losing their vibrancy.
What if YOU created the next step?
And what if right now, you can’t see the next step for a reason?
The next level of your lifestyle, the next level of you, the next level of your business success, hasn’t been created yet.
So of course you don’t know what it is. It doesn’t exist!!!!!! Yet.
Here’s 4 things to bear in mind to help you to move forwards if you’re hesitating:
1. Things don’t happen if you let the fear of the unknown hold you back – as I said…this one’s pretty obvious by now I hope
2. Your dream life and success level manifests only when you start moving forwards – because everything is energy and you need to create momentum to create material things
3. Realising and accepting that all you DESIRE builds itself, as you move forwards – this was a hard one for me to get, as I couldn’t see how this would ever happen without me knowing HOW to move forwards
4. Jump before you’re ready, because this is how you grow – eeeekkkk this is one which you practice 😬
So what I’m asking, is are you willing to move forwards anyway, when you cannot see the next level quite yet?
Because, this is how you grow, this is how you expand, this is how you accelerate, this is how you level up.
And it’s okay to stay where you are. It’s okay to stay put. It’s okay to stay on the fence. Just know this, things around you are not gonna change.
Love you, whether you jump or not…
Jody xx