I’m an EXTRAORDINARY girl from Liverpool…

‘If a normal girl from Liverpool can do it, then so can you…’⁣

I’m just an ordinary girl from “xyz” is a nice story to tell, and to prove your “on the level” and have also overcome a few hardships to get here…⁣

I’ve told my story of being an “ordinary” girl, of being bullied, of growing up in a family where there’s constant talks about lack of money… And I did this because I thought it would make me more “accessible”… more relatable to my audience…⁣

…but here’s the truth…⁣

I am NOT ordinary… and neither are you!⁣

You are EXTRAORDINARY. So why not own this from now on and stay in this energy…????⁣

Show other women how they too can own theirs… Inspire them to own their uniqueness, their amazing and unique purpose… Be a TRUE leader…⁣

And not play it down…ever.⁣

Imagine if none of us played it down…ever??? ⁣

And let me be clear, this is still a daily practice for me, and I still put myself down every so often, because guess what, it’s natural and it’s SO entrained in us, it’s what we do, it’s who we BE.⁣

I’m just wondering if we brought this on to our awareness, what types of conversations would we be having on social media?⁣

Lmk what you feel or what this brings up for you…

Jody xxx⁣