Are You Allowing Your MASCULINE To Bully Your FEMININE Aspect? (I Did)

Okaaay I’m NOT saying our masculine aspect is an actual “bully” 🤣

(Oh and this applies to men and women)

But if we’ve stayed in this aspect for far too long and depended on it too much rather than allowing our feminine to flourish as well…

The masculine might have a hard time giving up its power to allow our feminine to be the co-pilot…

There needs to be a beautiful balance between our masculine and feminine especially in our business because we can’t always be in the work, work, work energy, taking action energy… we need to honour as well the space for listening to our intuition, for resting and waiting for an answer, and and for receiving and appreciating everything our feminine has to offer…

Let me know if this makes sense to you… How are you bringing more harmony between your masculine and feminine into your business?

Jody xxx