Celebrate the REAL YOU

I’ve been socialising a lot this week, seeing friends, meeting new friends, and seeing clearly how I am manifesting a lovely group of successful humans around me, and it got me thinking about: “who is the real me?”. 🤷‍♀️

Truth is, we are made up of different layers, different versions of ourselves ✨

Within me are two different Jody’s:

Jody, the performer who is confident, bright, energetic, and loves being on stage and showing up on social media

And the other Jody who is more “human”, she’s softer, she’s shy and vulnerable, and sometimes she doesn’t feel she’s enough…

And the second part is easier to avoid connecting with, easier to jump over, easier to ignore…

And the truth is, this part, this soft and vulnerable part, is just as special and precious as my confident, high-vibrational self. I sat with it and asked myself, “Who is the real Jody?”

The answer is, I’m both. And deep within all these, is my real self who is amazing, loyal, generous, and loving. Powerful and vulnerable.

So sit with yourself, ask yourself who you really are. What part of yourself have you been avoiding or neglecting?

Because it’s time to give the real you some love and recognition. 💖

Jody xx