Embracing your true potential with money…

Money is an enabler of your purpose, …

You might have heard me say this quite a few times already, there are so many words, connotations, and negative energy wrapped around money that we’ve brought up to believe… And some of these still lingers in our subconscious…

“It’s not good to have money”

“It’s wrong to have money”

“I don’t need need money to thrive”


We’ve adopted all this stuff as our own belief systems, our own stories but the truth is we need money…

Money is a tool that was invented to support us to thrive. And so we need to have a great relationship with money…

…because the greater relationship you have with money, the greater you are able to get access to that purpose and that potential.

So despite all these programmings and limiting beliefs, you have to decide that now,  in this lifetime that we’re living in you are going to set yourself free ✨

You’re going to unleash your creativity, and your full financial potential… and embrace that you are here to be supported by money…

So I wanna invite you to go into this space and use these affirmation daily:

“I am here, I am ready.”

“I am willing to honour money.”

“I’m willing to be the first person in my ancestral lineage who stands in their power and says, yes money. I’m here for you. I’m here to have a great relationship with you. I’m excited to be supported by you. I’m excited to support you back in return”

I’m rooting for you, .

Now is a monumental moment in your life… You were guided to this journey for a reason and I’m so excited for you.

Jody xxx