Make 2023 The Year You SHOW UP For Your Business

“Just do it” is such a masculine energy-powered phrase but really, unless you start doing what you need or want to be doing, nothing will happen.

Your business will not move. You miss opportunities to create more money.

A lot of us end up giving up on our businesses or not starting at all because of our fear of failure… 🤦

What if it doesn’t work out?
What will people say about me?

We’re too concerned and too afraid to be judged and to fail that we end up hurting our potential for success. But really, all you have to do is START and it will figure itself out.

The rest of what you need to do unfolds as you start doing them and as you start connecting with your feminine, intuitive energy. The alignment comes once you begin and commit with intention. ⚡

So yes, it’s a bit of a balance of both masculine and feminine energy. That’s how you propel yourself to success this 2023. ❤️

Jody xxx