Make That Decision and Watch the universe Open Up

Back in early 2018, I realised something pretty and it went on to change the course of my earning potential, for good!!!!

When it “landed” in my brain, everything suddenly made so much sense.

And I then went on to have two excellent financial years and was able to move countries and to easily invest into keeping my team going during Covid, and take my time off while I did some serious soul searching last year…✨

The thing which really woke me up, and opened up my “glass ceiling” was simply this:

You have a choice to make, and the choice is:

Do you want to make more money? Or not?

Do you want to be a 7 figure earner? Or not?

You have to decide, and make your choice conscious, because otherwise you’re not committed to your decision and it just won’t happen…

And 5 years will pass by, and you’ll still be in the same financial situation, with the same money issues, the same money worries, the same unfulfilled potential…

Making more money is a decision, just like anything. So if you’re not being clear, then you won’t get the financial results you want, it really is that simple.

As soon as you make the decision, the universe will open up it’s juiciness and help you manifest what you want 💰💰💰