Even though I wanted it all, honestly, I never really fully committed.
I was very good at telling myself that I WAS committed, but then I didn’t fully show up when it mattered. A lot was happening behind-the-scenes, but then I was afraid of being seen, so I was still hiding. 🙉
You can kid yourself for years that you’re out in the world, sharing vulnerably, doing all the right things, and yet…the results always speak for themselves. 😎
That’s the real evidence. So stop getting frustrated, and actually take a good look at what’s currently happening in your life, in your bank account, because this is showing you want you actually want right now. 😘
Believe it or not, I don’t really mind, but it IS the truth, and someday you’ll realise it.
And then you’ll REALLY shift. And then the results WILL happen. 💖💖💖
Oh and…are you also validating your desires? This is so KEY, and so many people feel guilty or wrong or bad (deep down) for having certain desires. But if you’re not fully behind your own desires, and validating them, then once again, they won’t fully happen. 🤑
So are you owning your wealth desires? What stops you from fully declaring these desires and embracing them?
Jody xxx