The holiday season brings with it a steady flow of gifts coming and going.
Although we’re bombarded with the top ten things to give, gift guides, etc rarely do we take time to chat about how to truly receive.
Let me ask you something: How good are you at receiving?
Do you feel uncomfortable? Shy? Or do you accept whole-heartedly?
Receiving in spiritual terms is the practice of receiving energy into our lives. This could be in the form of material things, such as money and possessions; physical things, such as hugs and neck rubs; or emotional things, such as love and appreciation.
When we receive, we draw in the energy of whatever is available to us in that moment as opposed to giving outwards, and moving the energy flow away from us and into something or someone else.
For most of us, it’s much easier for us to give than receive, because we’ve been raised to believe this is better for us. Most of us are unable to receive and the result is that we easily become drained and tired. We’re not able to restore ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually and we become frustrated and unhappy.
Energy is freely available to everyone when we learn how to be open and invite it in. We all deserve to receive. Without receiving, we will only achieve a fraction of what we’re capable of achieving.
We need to learn to receive so we can flourish, and become the powerful beings we were born to be.
We need to be able to receive to restore our health and energy.
We need to be able to receive so we can be supported in all areas of our lives.
We need to be able to receive so we can manifest miracles and magic!
Tools to receive more in your life:
- PRACTISE RECEIVING GIFTS. When someone gives you a gift or compliment, have the intention to receive the energy and love behind it. Look at the person who is giving you the gift, consciously take the gift in your hands and receive all the love and thought behind it. Even if you don’t think much thought and effort went into the choosing, the intention alone to give you a gift is a sign of love. Receive the love behind the gift.
- RECEIVE THE ENERGY INTO YOUR BODY. Imagine breathing in the energy of whatever is coming your way. If you receive a hug, imagine receiving the energy of the hug right through your body and into your cells. If you receive a compliment, imagine receiving the energy of the words and the love behind them right through your body and into your cells. Dissolve your own barriers to allow love in.
- RECEIVE YOURSELF. The fastest way to receive is to learn how to receive from yourself. A mirror is the best way to do this. Take your mirror and connect to yourself eye-to-eye. Look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself: “You are amazing. You look great! I support you, I believe in you.” Observe any resistance in your body, or any part of you that tenses up, or any thoughts you have that tell you not to do this. It may feel uncomfortable or cheesy or whatever else you tell yourself. This is a practice so you’ll need to keep doing it. Face the fear and do it anyway!
Out of all of the above what is the 1 thing you can practice TOMORROW to start receiving more fully?
Finally remember this is a practice, and the more you do it the easier it gets.
Enjoy learning the art of receiving, and remember to have fun!