Projectors, I know life has been tough, and I know you’ve been stuck, and I know WHY…
You’ve been trying to be someone else for so long, and it hasn’t worked, and you’ve tried to fit in, and it hasn’t worked, and slowly, over the years, you’ve become more and more frustrated, and bitter…
You haven’t been seen or acknowledged for being who you really are – your friends haven’t recognised you, your family haven’t seen you, your work colleagues don’t get you, and sometimes you feel completely invisible, especially in a group…
And you’ve become bitter (which is the energy you give off, when you don’t understand Projectors)
Your bitterness is toxic to you, and the more BITTER you are, the less SUCCESSFUL you are – because success simply cannot exist where bitterness exists.
Your bitterness is keeping your success away…and you’ll stay stuck, be disempowered, bitter, resentful UNTIL you figure this out.
It’s a privilege to be a Projector – don’t waste this opportunity. There are NOT many successful Projectors showing you what’s possible, and we as Projectors need to see others in their success to know it’s possible for us too. We need to surround ourselves with successful Projectors.
So let’s support you to become a powerful Projector – in this Projector-only masterclass – I’m teaching you:
✨ My 7 step system to ultimate Projector Power
✨ Why you don’t always need an invitation (and how to NOT wait for one)
✨ The reason you feel so exhausted or burn out so easily (and it’s not because you’re not resting enough)
✨ What your bitterness causes + why you have to clear it out
✨ How to navigate your Projector blindspots + why this is the key to your success
✨ How to embody the frequency of “God’s Gift” and attract in the best invitations
And much more…
I’m excited for you to enjoy this powerful Projector masterclass. I honour you, and I’m ready for you.
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