Working too hard
Worrying about running out
Overspending unconsciously
Being in debt
It’s how the subconscious mind expresses herself 🙌🏼 her desires are about getting what you’d rather not have…lack, worry, low energy, debt 💸
When you really master this, then you truly understand yourself & can change into what you choose – wealth, abundance, FREEDOM, high energy, healthy system, power, excess and overflow 💰💰💰
But not until you master your money “shadows” – these parts of you who are acting out right now, hiding you, holding you back, manifesting lack & under-earning…
And also tiny tip for you – Money is a really beautiful, divine, feminine life-force energy, and meditating with “HER” is something really special…it really speeds up your manifesting results…💰💰💰
You are pulling the energy of money IN, drawing the energy of money into your energy field AND your bank account…
And if you do this every day, can you imagine how much quicker the money is going to come in?
Jody 🤩