Not a morning person for most of my life, I now LOVE mornings ✨ and every morning, I write in my journal. And d’u you know what? It’s a very new thing…I just wasn’t a “journal writer” before.
YES I’d tell clients to journal, and YES they’d get great results from it, but I never really got it TBH
I actually had lots of resistance. And I’m not sure why!
And I was so off the mark….
One day I started. I simply opened my journal and started to write. And now I bloody love it!!!!!!
I really really do.
It clears my head and kick-starts my creative juices. It’s my favourite thing to do with a cup of cacao (yeah raw chocolate, blended with coconut, cinnamon and maca…yum!) and my gold pen.
What do I write about? Loads of things. Right now, everything I write is positive: about how much I love my life, how great everything is, how “tuned-in” I feel and all the good vibes…
Which is a really amazing thing in itself because I’m not pretending, not faking it until I make it, I really am adoring my life right now (and everything in it).
And life is especially good since I decided to allow more support into my life. Which was a really BIG decision let me tell you.
Throughout my life, I’ve persistently bought into my “I’ve done it mostly myself” story. Independent. Strong. And I was proud of that (maybe too proud).
So inviting people in who were focused on my expansion, and could help me grow in my personal life and career was MASSIVE.
And I can honestly say, that the moment I decided to make some solid “self-care” investments into growing my team, it all changed.
Once I finally allowed this to happen, suddenly all the “right” people started coming into my life to raise me higher and higher:
They helped me get to that next level, the next income bracket, the next level in my relationship (which is marriage by the way!), the next fitness goal, the next big soul goal, etc.
All I had to do was be open and willing to take the opportunity of letting these wonderful people help me…(and invest into myself, which is something we’re never taught how to do!)
And is easier said than done, because deep down many of us believe we’re at this alone.
And yet, I’m here to say: YOU’RE NOT ALONE!
And if you’re ready to expand to that next level, it’s time to let support in and invest into your team.
It’s the only way we get to the next level and expand out into the world.
Assembling the support team around you is how you grow, period.
We cannot (nor should we) do this alone. It’s always a team effort.
Think about the number of people around Beyonce on a daily basis, on tour, with her family…we need the support around us.
So if you’re ready to be guided, elevated, nourished, inspired and to take everything to the next level– I want to be part of your team and be your support.
I’m offering 6 FREE discovery calls for my private Success Coaching programme. To book yours, just drop us an email at