The REAL Reason You’re Scared Of Spending You Money! (It Isn’t What You Think It Is)

This one I can personally relate to – discomfort  about spending money…

& it’s key you address ANY discomfort now because soon, you will be invited to make bigger and bigger investments, as you grow, bigger and bigger…

I am SO excited to dive into this juicy topic….

It’s especially triggering when we’re asked to SPEND money 💰 This brings up all sorts of fear.

And you know what? The fear, discomfort and even anxiety that you feel when you’re asked to invest money or spend money ISN’T about what you think it’s about.

It’s not really about the money.

It’s about something far SCARIER than the money.

It’s about YOUR FEAR of your NEXT LEVEL.

😰 Your fear of success
😨 Your fear of wealth
😰 Your fear of the sensations & emotions of being rich…

And money gives you access to all of these. Hence the reason why you think it’s about the money.

Believe me or don’t believe me, but one day, you’ll get it…

It’s not really about the fear of spending money, it’s about the fear of what money is going to give you.

I just wanted to share this with you because it’s VERY important.

Stop making it about the money!!!!

Instead, address the fear that’s going on behind the money, which is the fear of your next level of success.

Because unless you address this fear, you will never be able to access that next level of success that you really do want.

And that will be an absolute shame  🥲

P.S. If investing money into MMA is an issue for you, DM me on Instagram for some support. I have some solutions for you. DON’T WAIT another year for the life that you deserve NOW.

Jody 😘