What happens when you start owning your EXTRAORDINARY energy?

Still when I say this out-loud, there’s this little voice in me who says: “can I really? Is it really OK?”⁣

Because as women we have been so heavily programmed to NOT stand tall, NOT be powerful, NOT shine brighter etc etc ⁣

(You know all this by now) ⁣

And so we did rise, but we rose into our masculine and we shouted louder, and our anger grew…and we became resentful of other women, of other men.⁣

Now it’s time for a softer rising. ⁣
An embodied rising. ⁣

We don’t need to shout louder. ⁣

We just need to go deeper within and embrace who we are and recognise who we are…⁣

And then it shines out… ⁣

And then it all comes to us, without the hustle. ⁣

Without the proving. ⁣

We are GLORIOUS and we don’t need to prove it. ⁣

Lmk if this resonates? ⁣

Jody xxx⁣